
Thursday, March 03, 2011

My Growth Tree

My growth tree, it is a living, dream board/ vision board, I went and saw a psychic, she said that I need a growth tree. I put little tags on there, they are what I want and what my dreams are for the next 12 months. I am looking after that I can see my dreams and wants everyday.
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  1. What a great idea! It will be a daily reminder of all that you wish and hope for. If I weren't such a black thumb with indoor plants, I would join you with this! x

  2. I think this is a lovely idea and extremely positive. I hope you achieve everything you set out to :).

    BTW tried to 'follow' but there's no button, not sure whether there's a problem with my browser or a glitch in the page. I'll be back though, Jacqui


Thank you for sharing
Mel xxx