
Friday, January 28, 2011

The little things.

I found a blog (teaching tuck and ty) a few days ago by chance, it slapped me in the face with a reality and gratitude check.  Please have a read of final hours of this blog and you will understand, why I have started noticing even the little things, about my boys and my husband and have what seems an endless amount of gratitude.

The way Scott tells me every single day with out fail "babe you look hot in that" (most of the time I'm not looking so hot".

The way Scott squeezes my hand or touches my arm when he walks past me.

The way that he slips is wedding ring on my finger when he is surfing.

The way he sits on the kitchen bench and has a chat, when I'm cooking.

The way he waits up even after a massive day at work, for me to go to work at 1000pm, and he helps me get my lunch, walks me to the car and opens our gate.

The way he mumbles I love you, every single night before he goes to sleep.

The way my boys without fail call out from there beds, every single night, even after they have said they don't need to tell me anything else.

The way my boys always ask how my day was when they get in the car after school.

When they say thank you after every meal.

I could keep going,

It is the little things that, feed my soul and open my heart.  I am so grateful for Tricia for sharing her story.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The I love you stage

I have finally after nearly 10 years of marriage, really just opened up to the massive stages that we have gone through.  

There was the honeymoon phase where everything is beautiful and loving and we couldn't keep our hands off each other.  Then the first baby came along and I was so tired and overwhelmed and consumed by breastfeeding, shitty nappies, trying with all my might to get him to sleep. That the thought of anyone else touching me or expecting anything from me except clean clothes and dinner was laughable.

Then all that settled we morphed into a normal relationship again where I loved seeing Scott coming home and I loved chatting and loved being a couple again.  Then surprise, surprise another baby. Again back to the laughable bit, especially with two kids.

All that settled down, I went back to work and it was mostly weekends so we were not seeing each other that much and for me it was kids, kindy, and mum stuff during the week and he was working, then I would be at work on weekends.

Last year we both started changing so much, in so many way so quickly, that we got to a stage of, who the hell are you and what are we doing. See Scott decided that he didn't want to do roofing anymore, and I have issues with not being able to pay our bills on time all the time, with the no pay coming in. I was resenting him, he was hating me cause he didn't want to do something that he hates.

It took all year to work it out.  OHHH what an experience. I can see why so many couples , throw there hands up and go this is way to hard.

We worked hard to get through and Scott decided on his own to go back to roofing (not contracting anymore). He is actually enjoying it.

We have become so much closer because of 2010. 

We are in the stage of I love you, it feels like the honeymoon stage again. (but no little babies will be coming out of this honeymoon stage) 

I wonder what is next.

Mel xxx

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am awake

Sleep, oh beautiful, restful, soulful, wonderful sleep.

How I miss you, curling up in my gorgeous comfy, crisp, clean sheets for a beautiful night of dreaming, deep healing sleep.

It is just not the same during the day, I have taken the kids to school, had some breakfast and a cup of herbal "sweet dreams" tea, long hot shower. I go to my room, cover the windows, turn the air con on, get my "fairy dreaming" crystals for under my pillow and bed down for hopefully a few hours of sleep. I pray to the universe and the angels to grant me deep, restful sleep.

I full into a deep, restful sleep....... for 40minutes, wake up with the biggest fright.  Mind and heart racing what day is it, where are the kids, what should I be doing, is it 9.40am or 9.40pm. Deep breaths gather your thoughts love, all is good, you are supposed to be sleeping. I sleep till 11.00am, wake oh god what time do I get the kids, how many hours away is that. GO to sleep. Wake at 12.30pm SHIT, forget it, I am awake.

My head is so fuzzy, the light drills holes in my eyes so that I feel like I have nails being driven into my head. My body is slow, heavy. I no I cleaned my teeth before I went to bed, did I swallow a cup full of sand in my sleep, stomach so yuck, do I need to be sick or am I just hungry.

Turn the jug on get cup, coffee, milk, sugar, bread, roast potatoes and mayo.  Put it all on the bench, stand and look out the kitchen window at my yard.  SHIT forgot to turn the jug on.  That's right was going to make sandwich. 

Go to the toilet while jug is boiling, check messages on my phone, 2 texts from girlfriends, 1 voice message from another wanting a chat.  Sit down to flick through the channels on tv.  SHIT I was making coffee and sandwich.  Finally make coffee and sandwich.

Sit on lounge, get a text from a gorgeous girlfriend " hi luv, do you want me to get your boys from school". Oh how I love my friends.  I could kiss her.

I will be in bed early tonight for beautiful, restful, soulful, wonderful sleep. 

I will be back to night duty, tomorrow night for another 4 nights this week. I will meet you on the other side, sleep.

Mel  xx

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tools for my challenge

I found this fabulous website, if will be a great tool for my challenge this year. So this is the spirit part. I am finding, quotes, affirmations and other positive blogs to help me on my journey.

Found this quote there:

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." -Denis Waitley

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of out past, brings peace for today, and creates vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Years Resolutions

So my new years resolution was to work on my



and Soul.

Last year was my MASSIVE learning year that felt so out of control that my head was spinning.

I have been working through the Simple Abundance Work Book (Sarah Ban Breathnach)for the last few weeks. I have found it confronting and a bit scary but, also has opened me up a lot and I have become more focussed on what I want.

I wanted to give myself a challenge this year. After reading a passage in the book about doing something for your mind, body and spirit everyday, I thought I am lucky to do any of that once a month.

So this year I am going to give it a go. I will commit myself to writing a blog entry once a week to make me more accountable.

So today, I have started to give up coffee ( or reduce my intake of coffee) I love it. But really 6 cups a day is a bit much and I do night duty and it just explodes to way beyond six when I am on nights.

My sister in law gave me some beautiful herbal tea from the tea centre on the Gold Coast. They are delicious. So I have started on them today was “pick me up” and also “ginger kisses”.

I have also dug out the "good" tea cups and am treating myself to the gorgeous things in my life.

I will be back in a few days to update the progess of my reduced coffee intake.  Ha Ha Ha see how we go hey.

Queensland Floods

13th January 2011

So, today was the peak of the worst flood that has hit Brisbane and the South East since 1974. So much, devastation, destruction, heart ache, pain, grief. We live about 45-50 minutes north of Brisbane city. Where we are, it looks as if nothing has happened. Sure we had some rain and the roads were cut for a few hours but NOTHING compared to the rest of the state. My thoughts and prayers go to all those poor souls that have lost everything in the devastation. To the families, friends that have lost people in this tragedy. I have been glued to the TV for days. Even though they show pretty much the same footage, I feel as though I can’t walk away from it.

The floods that hit the west just after Christmas are hitting the communities, farms, families all over again. My sister who lives in South West Queensland has not had a mail delivery since before Christmas, (the mail to them is everything, because everything comes out on the mail.) Groceries, bills, newspapers, anything that they can order from a local shop will come in the mail. They are still unable to leave there property, there is still water over roads, cutting any access. Because of the dirt roads, they have no indication of when they will get out.

The situation is bad now, but will only get worse when the water recedes and the devastation really shows it self. Please don’t anyone forget over the coming months, all of the people that have suffered so much.

If you would like to donate:

Donate online, by phone, in person, internet banking or mail.

To volunteer to help in the clean up

These photos are from the area around Glenmorgan and Meandarra, South West Queensland