
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The pride of a Mum

As of next term, I am going to have two beautiful boys as the local Montessori School . My youngest is currently as the children’s house but is old enough from next term to be able to start school.

He is my baby, he is my gorgeous, gentle, helpful , kind boy that is now off to school. He had his interview with the principal at the end of last week. I was blown away by how he conducted himself, how he answered her questions, the questions that he asked her. My heart literally swelled with pride, I was so happy for him, so overwhelmed by how prepared he is to start school.

He has been at the childrens house since 2.5yrs old. The three days that he goes I ask him how, it was and what he did and he shrugs and says not much. At home I try and do writing, sounds, reading with him and he shows NO interest. Well at the interview he was able to EASILY read three letter words, he was able to identify written numbers up to in the 20’s, he knew his letters phonetically. It completely floored me and my husband.

The way that he conducted himself in the interview was amazing for a 5 year old. He sat quietly and still he was polite and answered questions beautifully and he also asked very relevant questions to the principal.

I am so grateful, so passionate, so overwhelmed by the Montessori system and I through my experience with my children, am appreciative of how it prepares children for every situation, it gives them confidence, a great understanding of subjects, grace and courtesy.

“And so we discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.” Maria Montessori

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Thank you for sharing
Mel xxx