
Monday, September 13, 2010

Grandparents Day

I have always believed that it takes a village to raise a child. So when my boys came home and said that the school was having Grandparents day I was so excited for them. My boys asked my mum and my Grandparents - their Great Grandparents. It is so important for children to have relationships with oldies and also for the older generations to keep in touch with children.

Mum and Grandma and Papa were so excited to be able to go into the class room to have a look at what the kids do. My boys go to a Montessori School so, our school is such a far cry from the way that they were taught, they were amazed at what the children learn, how they learn it and how the class room is set up. They have all of wonderful materials and activities, that are maths or language related, I had to laugh at Mum she was worried that she was going to have to do some sort of maths.
It was so lovely the response that the school received from all of the Grandparents, almost all of the children had a Grandparent with them on there journey around the class room.

My favourite part of the day was when my youngest boy was showing my Grandma how to sew. He had to thread wool into a needle, and then sew around the border of a piece of cardboard with holes punched in to it. The concentration on his face and the way that my Grandma was trying to help him was priceless. Of course tears were welling in my eyes.

my youngest showing Great Grandma how to sew.
My mum made her way around my oldest boys class room while I helped to change over the school take home readers, when she was finished she came and found me. WELL she was balling, she was so proud of her boy, she loved the class room, she loved the teacher, she loved the kids in the class.

A great day had by all, few tears from Grandparents who were so proud and lots of smiles from the kids so proud to show around there Grandparents.

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Thank you for sharing
Mel xxx