
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Job

My current job is administrative officer in a Hospital Emergency Department. I work shift work and weekends. The shifts are 700 am 1100 am 1430 pm and 2245pm.

The work is registering patients so that the hospital has there details on file, filing, answering phone calls, faxing, dealing with patient enquiries, working closely with nursing and medical staff. Plus 100 other menial tasks.

It is a fast paced environment which, can be an advantage, because you are on the go all the time, it can also be very stressful. The Emergency Department is a very emotional place, people get every emotional when they are waiting to be seen by a doctor or they are waiting for friends and family.

I cop a lot of abuse, from patients, friends and family of patients. The shift work is tedious, to work around with children. On shift work I always feel like I am disappointing someone, if it is not myself, then my family and friends. This is because events, dinners, camping trips all seem to pop up the days that I work. Working the weekend is horrible because my husband has weekends off and so we are like passing ships, he is walking in from work and I am kissing him good bye, to go to work.

I have been in this job for 10 years now and while I like the people that I work with and I have meet some very interesting people, it is time for me to get away from such a toxic, hectic, tiring, abusive, emotional, disappointing place.

Why am I still there the $$$$$.
My dream job would be working from my gorgeous home, to be flexible, financially rewarding, challenging, inspiring work that helps me grow as a person and that I find complete joy in. I want to travel; I want it to reflect my individuality.

I have always dreamed of writing, I love talking to people and finding out there stories, I find other peoples stories inspiring, motivational and healing. People’s stories are what connect us as humans. From the stories and experiences it is the stories that we find that we have in common with people. Their stories can help us on our own journey.

I have never written before because of a lack of confidence in my ability. Because if I was to write someone’s story, I want it to jump off the page and be real to the reader, I want the reader to be as inspired as I was when I heard it.

So my dream job would be to interview and write people’s stories and for them to be published.

Why I have not ventured that path: Lack of confidence in my writing skills, and not knowing how to get the stories out to others.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should follow your are a beautiful writer. I am thoroughly enjoying reading your stories, you have a gift, for sure. I think you are already a writer!!! Well done, it is a pleasure reading your blogs.


Thank you for sharing
Mel xxx